著者:Y. Ogura-Tsujita, A. Sakoda, A. Ebihara, T. Yukawa, R. Imaichi題名:Arbuscular mycorrhiza formation in cordate gametophytes of two ferns, Angiopteris lygodiifolia and Osmunda japonica.発表情報:Journal of Plant Research 巻: 126 ページ: 41-50キーワード:Angiopteris, Arbuscular mycorrhiza, Fern, Gametophyte, Glomus group A, Osmunda概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Y. Ogura-Tsujita, A. Sakoda, A. Ebihara, T. Yukawa, R. ImaichiTitle:Arbuscular mycorrhiza formation in cordate gametophytes of two ferns, Angiopteris lygodiifolia and Osmunda japonica.Announcement information:Journal of Plant Research Vol: 126 Page: 41-50Keyword:Angiopteris, Arbuscular mycorrhiza, Fern, Gametophyte, Glomus group A, Osmunda