著者:有福 智之;有馬 博史;百崎 信;安廣 祥一;佐藤 恒之;今石 宣之題名:溶融NaOHの表面張力およびマランゴニ対流挙動発表情報:九州大学機能物質科学研究所報告 巻: 10 号: 1 ページ: 6775キーワード:概要:We measured the surface tension of molten NaOH by means of the maximum bubble pressure method, and investigated the thermal Marangoni convection behavior in a small liquid bridge of molten NaOH confined between two platinum disks. The measured temperature coefficient of surface tension (=∂σ/∂T) is positive at lower temperature range (T<721K) and negative at higher temperature range (T>721K). But these values are much smaller than those reported previously by T. Nakamura et. al.. Numerical simulations were conducted to reproduce the visualized flow pattern in a small molten NaOH bridge using the measured surface tension. The numerical results were in good agreement with the experimental ones under various thermal conditions, and revealed that the different multi-roll cell flow patterns are formed depending upon the heating conditions of platinum disks.抄録:英語フィールド
Author:ARIFUKU Tomoyuki;ARIMA Hirofumi;MOMOSAKI Makoto;YASUHIRO Shoichi;SATO Tsuneyuki;IMAISHI NobuyukiTitle:Surface Tension and Marangoni Convection of Molten NaOHAnnouncement information:The reports of Institute of Advanced Material Study Kyushu University Vol: 10 Issue: 1 Page: 6775An abstract:We measured the surface tension of molten NaOH by means of the maximum bubble pressure method, and investigated the thermal Marangoni convection behavior in a small liquid bridge of molten NaOH confined between two platinum disks. The measured temperature coefficient of surface tension (=∂σ/∂T) is positive at lower temperature range (T<721K) and negative at higher temperature range (T>721K). But these values are much smaller than those reported previously by T. Nakamura et. al.. Numerical simulations were conducted to reproduce the visualized flow pattern in a small molten NaOH bridge using the measured surface tension. The numerical results were in good agreement with the experimental ones under various thermal conditions, and revealed that the different multi-roll cell flow patterns are formed depending upon the heating conditions of platinum disks.