著者:有馬 博史,三島 文也, 小山 幸平, 福浪 透, 池上 康之題名:プレート式蒸発器におけるアンモニア沸騰熱伝達のボイド率測定に関する研究発表情報:第49回日本伝熱シンポジウム, 2012/5/30-6/1, 富山 巻: 49 ページ: A232キーワード:Visualization, Void fraction, Boiling heat transfer, Ammonia, Plate heat exchanger概要:抄録:The void fraction by visualization was measured to clarify the characteristic of ammonia boiling heat transfer in plate evaporator for OTEC. In this study, the movies of local boiling flow pattern on the three sight glasses above plate frame at low mass flaxes G = 7.5~15kg/m2s were recorded and the time variation of void fraction was analyzed using this movie by original image processing software. The result shows that the relationship between vapor quality and time averaged void fraction is clarified. In addition, a modified correlation based on drift flux model is proposed.英語フィールド
Author:Title:Announcement information: Vol: 49 Page: A232Keyword:Visualization, Void fraction, Boiling heat transfer, Ammonia, Plate heat exchangerAn abstract:The void fraction by visualization was measured to clarify the characteristic of ammonia boiling heat transfer in plate evaporator for OTEC. In this study, the movies of local boiling flow pattern on the three sight glasses above plate frame at low mass flaxes G = 7.5~15kg/m2s were recorded and the time variation of void fraction was analyzed using this movie by original image processing software. The result shows that the relationship between vapor quality and time averaged void fraction is clarified. In addition, a modified correlation based on drift flux model is proposed.