著者:有馬博史, 岡本明夫,松尾伸彦,池上康之題名:微細凹凸面を用いたプレート蒸発器のアンモニア沸騰伝熱促進発表情報:日本冷凍空調学会 年次大会 2009 巻: 2009 ページ: A211-1-A211-2キーワード:Heat transfer enhancement, Heat transfer coefficient, Ammonia, Plate heat exchanger (PHE),Micro grooved surface概要:抄録:The ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) cycle is low thermal efficiency. Then these systems use a plate type heat exchanger (PHE) and ammonia or ammonia/water mixture as a working fluid. In order to more improve their cycle
efficiency, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of PHE and study the characteristic of boiling heat transfer of ammonia or ammonia/water on PHE. Therefore, in this study, we studied about the effect of heat transfer surface
condition using treated heat transfer surface with micro grooves and flat surface for vertical plate evaporator on pure ammonia. The result shows that the local boiling heat transfer coefficient of grooved surface was 10 - 40% larger than that of flat surface. In addition, in case of grooved surface, heat transfer coefficient increased with an increase mass flux.
Especially the effect of heat transfer enhancement using grooved surface appeared notably in the nucleate boiling region.英語フィールド
Author:Hirofumi ARIMA, Akio OKAMOTO, Nobuhiko MATSUO, Yasuyuki IKEGAMITitle:Boiling heat transfer enhancement for ammonia using micro grooved surface on plate evaporatorAnnouncement information: Vol: 2009 Page: A211-1-A211-2Keyword:Heat transfer enhancement, Heat transfer coefficient, Ammonia, Plate heat exchanger (PHE),Micro grooved surfaceAn abstract:The ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) cycle is low thermal efficiency. Then these systems use a plate type heat exchanger (PHE) and ammonia or ammonia/water mixture as a working fluid. In order to more improve their cycle
efficiency, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of PHE and study the characteristic of boiling heat transfer of ammonia or ammonia/water on PHE. Therefore, in this study, we studied about the effect of heat transfer surface
condition using treated heat transfer surface with micro grooves and flat surface for vertical plate evaporator on pure ammonia. The result shows that the local boiling heat transfer coefficient of grooved surface was 10 - 40% larger than that of flat surface. In addition, in case of grooved surface, heat transfer coefficient increased with an increase mass flux.
Especially the effect of heat transfer enhancement using grooved surface appeared notably in the nucleate boiling region.