著者:今井 康貴;斎藤 公男題名:リモートセンシングを用いた閉鎖性内湾の環境評価に関する研究発表情報:日本造船学会論文集 巻: 188 ページ: 53-58キーワード:概要:The effect of the construction of a large-scale marine structure in Osaka bay is evaluated using Landsat TM data. Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll before and after building the Kansai international airport are made from the satellite image. Since the conventional formula underestimates the concentration of chlorophyll in this area, we derive a new formula. The flow stagnation around the airport, clockwise stream in the bay, a large plume in the western area is observed.抄録:英語フィールド
Author:IMAI Yasutaka;SAITO KimioTitle:An Estimation of Coastal Water Environment using Landsat TM dataAnnouncement information: Vol: 188 Page: 53-58An abstract:The effect of the construction of a large-scale marine structure in Osaka bay is evaluated using Landsat TM data. Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll before and after building the Kansai international airport are made from the satellite image. Since the conventional formula underestimates the concentration of chlorophyll in this area, we derive a new formula. The flow stagnation around the airport, clockwise stream in the bay, a large plume in the western area is observed.