著者:Ohshima, K., K. Sako, C. Hiraishi, A. Nakagawa, K. Matsuo, T. Ogawa, E. Shikata and N. Sako題名:Potato Tuber Necrotic Ringspot Disease Occurring in Japan: Its Association with Potato virus Y Necrotic Strain発表情報:Plant Disease 巻: 10 ページ: 1109-1115キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Ohshima, K., K. Sako, C. Hiraishi, A. Nakagawa, K. Matsuo, T. Ogawa, E. Shikata and N. SakoTitle:Potato Tuber Necrotic Ringspot Disease Occurring in Japan: Its Association with Potato virus Y Necrotic StrainAnnouncement information:Plant Disease Vol: 10 Page: 1109-1115