著者:Seo, J-K., K. Ohshima, H-G. Lee, M. So, H-S. Choi, S-H. Lee, S-H. Sohn and K-H. Kim題名:
Molecular variability and genetic structure of the population of Soybean mosaic virus based on the analysis of complete genome sequences.発表情報:Virology 巻: 393 ページ: 91-103キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Seo, J-K., K. Ohshima, H-G. Lee, M. So, H-S. Choi, S-H. Lee, S-H. Sohn and K-H. KimTitle:
Molecular variability and genetic structure of the population of Soybean mosaic virus based on the analysis of complete genome sequences.Announcement information:Virology Vol: 393 Page: 91-103