著者:Fatema Tuz Zohra, Yuri Tominaga, Yomi Matsumoto, Naoko Taguchi, Ai Okubo, Susumu Mitsutake, and Nobuhiro Kotoda*題名:Relationship between the limonoid content in different parts of the sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) and the ligand activity of a bile acid receptor, TGR5.発表情報:The Horticulture J 巻: 89 号: 4 ページ: 384-393キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Fatema Tuz Zohra, Yuri Tominaga, Yomi Matsumoto, Naoko Taguchi, Ai Okubo, Susumu Mitsutake, and Nobuhiro Kotoda*Title:Relationship between the limonoid content in different parts of the sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) and the ligand activity of a bile acid receptor, TGR5.Announcement information:The Horticulture J Vol: 89 Issue: 4 Page: 384-393