著者:K. Abe*, H.Iwanami, N. Kotoda, S. Moriya, S. Takahashi題名:Evaluation of apple genotypes and Malus species for resistance to Alternaria blotch caused by Alternaria alternata apple pathotype using detached-leaf method発表情報:Plant Breeding 巻: 129 ページ: 208-218キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:K. Abe*, H.Iwanami, N. Kotoda, S. Moriya, S. TakahashiTitle:Evaluation of apple genotypes and Malus species for resistance to Alternaria blotch caused by Alternaria alternata apple pathotype using detached-leaf methodAnnouncement information:Plant Breeding Vol: 129 Page: 208-218