著者:鹿熊信一郎・寺島裕晃 読み: カクマシンイチロウ・テラシマヒロアキ題名:バヌアツにおける親貝移植によるヤコウガイの資源増殖発表情報:地域研究 号: 27号 ページ: 1-19キーワード:ヤコウガイ、バヌアツ、親貝移植、MPA、JICA概要:抄録:減少した資源を回復させるため、2007年にバヌアツのアネイチュム島からエファテ島にヤコウガイ親貝が輸送され、467個体がマンガリリウに、195個体がエファテ島北部沿岸に位置するレレパ島に移植された。2017年の調査では、親貝移植海域のヤコウガイ分布密度が周辺海域と比較してきわめて高く、親貝移植が当海域における資源の増加に寄与したと判断された。また、卓越する流れの下流部でヤコウガイ資源が増えているのは、移植海域からの幼生供給があったためと考えられる。分布していた貝の殻高組成とヤコウガイの成長速度から、2012-13年頃に卓越年級群が発生したものと考えられ、その群を発生させたのは、移植貝だけでなく、第二世代、第三世代の親貝も産卵に加わったと考えられる。
Author:Kakuma Shinichiro, Terashima HiroakiTitle:Green Snail Resource Enhancement through Spawner Restocking in VanuatuAnnouncement information:Regional Studies Issue: 27号 Page: 1-19An abstract:To recover the diminished resources, in 2007, green snails were transplanted from Aneityum Island to Efate Island in Vanuatu, i.e., 467 individuals and 203 individuals were transplanted in Mangaliliu and Leleta Island respectively. In the 2017 survey, the density of green snails in the transplanted area was extremely high compared to the surrounding area, indicating the transplantation of green snails contributed to the increase of resources in this area. The increase of green snail abundance in the downstream area of prevailing current is considered as due to the supply of larvae from the transplanted area. Based on the shell height composition and the growth rate of the green snail, dominant year classes occurred around 2012-13. It is probable that not only the transplanted snails but also the second- and third-generation green snails joined spawning.
A total of 299 small adult green snails produced in the hatchery of Efate Island were transplanted to Uripiv Island in 2012. The density of green snails in the transplanted area was much higher than that of the surrounding area in 2017, suggesting that the transplantation of adult shells contributed to the increase of the resource. Based on the shell height composition, the densely distributed green snails may have based on both transplanted and natural individuals.
The increase of the green snail abundance was not only due to the transplantation of the spawners, but also due to the resource management in MPA (Marine Protected Area) established by the local community. In the future, when JICA and other projects transplant green snails or other sedentary resources, they should be combined with support for MPA management and introduce the concept of Satoumi, where local people are closely involved in management.