著者:鹿熊 信一郎題名:サンゴ礁海域における海洋保護区(MPA)の多様性と多面的機能発表情報:日本サンゴ礁学会誌 巻: 8 号: 2 ページ: 91 - 108キーワード:概要:フィジー、サモア、フィリピン、インドネシア、モーリシャス、および沖縄の5地区のサンゴ礁海域MPAを事例に、主に水産資源管理を目的としたMPAの多様性、それ以外の目的を有す多面的機能を整理するとともに、効果的なMPAの設定方法、適正なMPAの面積を決める方法を考察した。その結果、MPAが熱帯亜熱帯における強力な資源管理ツールであることを確認した。MPAの形態は多様で、完全禁漁か多目的利用か、政府主体か村落主体か、永久設定か期間限定か、対象魚種を限定するかどうかによって性格は大きく異なることがわかった。また、面積は様々であり、機能も生態系保全やエコツーリズムの場として利用することを主目的とするものもあった。
Author:Kakuma ShinichiroTitle:Diversity and multi-functions of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Coral ReefsAnnouncement information:Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society Vol: 8 Issue: 2 Page: 91 - 108An abstract:The diversity and multi-functions of MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) in Fiji, Samoa, the Philippines, the Indonesia, Mauritius, and five districts in Okinawa were studied and effective methods to decide MPA size were discussed. The MPAs studied mainly target fisheries resource management. This study confirmed that the MPAs are powerful management tools in the tropics and subtropics. The nature of the MPAs differ greatly whether they are: 1) no-take or less strict, 2) government-initiated or community-based, 3) permanent or temporary, or 4) restricting only certain species or not. The size of the MPAs also varies significantly with multi-purposes such as eco-system conservation or eco-tourism promotion.
The larger the size of a MPA, the better it is for bio-diversity conservation. However, for the fishermen, too large MPA means the reduction of fishing grounds. The eco-tourism use of the MPAs also has potential conflict with fishing and dietary culture. To better balance these objectives, we need quantitative researches on the spillover effect, a process in which the organisms in MPAs spillover outside the MPAs. Simultaneously, with the participation of the fishing communities, the MPAs should be set and improved through “adaptive management”.