著者:山下 義行 読み: ヤマシタ ヨシユキ題名:視点がブラックホール内部にある場合の相対論的3次元コンピュータグラフィクス発表情報:火の国情報シンポジウム2022論文集 号: B22-3 ページ: 1--8キーワード:3次元コンピュータグラフィックス,相対性理論概要:抄録:通常の3D CGを一般相対論的に拡張し,ブラックホール時空での3D CGを行う研究が盛んになりつつある.しかしほとんどの研究で用いられるブラックホール時空を記述する.Schwarzschild座標系では,数学的制約から事象の地平面の内側に視点を置くことができない.これに対して,Schwarzschild座標系から座標変換で得られるKruskal座標系には事象の地平面は存在しないことが知られており,事象の地平面の内部に視点を置くことができる.
Author:Yamashita YoshiyukiTitle:Relativistic Three Dimensional Computer Graphics with the Viewpoint at the Inside of a Black HoleAnnouncement information: Issue: B22-3 Page: 1--8Keyword:three-dimensional computer graphics, relativity theoryAn abstract:Researchs on the 3D CG in black hole space-time is becoming active, expanding the conventional 3D CG into the theory of general relativity. However, in the Schwarzschild coordinate that describes the black hole spacetime used in most studies, it is not possible to put a viewpoint inside the event horizon due to the mathematical constraints of the Schwarzschild coordinate. On the other hand, it is known that the Kruskal coordinate obtained by the coordinate transformation from the Schwarzschild coordinate does not have the event horizon so that the viewpoint can be placed inside the event horizon. In this study, we first place the viewpoint outside the event horizon and create CG images based on both of the Schwarzschild and Kruskal coordinates. Then, we confirm that the two CG images are identical. This guarantees the correctness of the CG image in our study. Next, a CG image with the viewpoint inside the event horizon is rendered based on the Kruskal coordinate. These CG images can be generated in real time on a tablet computer by high-speed rendering using a computational mesh.