

蒸発器管内冷媒の流動特性と熱輸送を考慮した冷蔵庫除霜運転の効率向上に関する研究 第3報:単列千鳥配列管および各種二列モデルによる冷媒流動特性評価



堀井克則,仮屋圭史,中嶋祐紀,松本駿介,森英夫 読み: ほりいかつのり,かりやけいし,なかしまゆうき,まつもとしゅんすけ,もりひでお
蒸発器管内冷媒の流動特性と熱輸送を考慮した冷蔵庫除霜運転の効率向上に関する研究 第3報:単列千鳥配列管および各種二列モデルによる冷媒流動特性評価
日本冷凍空調学会論文集 巻: 31 号: 3 ページ: 265-276
Refrigerator, Defrost, Evaporator, Flow pattern, Heating experiment
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the first report, evaluation of refrigerant vapor-liquid two-phase flow using the test sections of single-row model simulating the refrigerator evaporator was examined under heating condition, and basic flow characteristics was clarified. In this report, evaluation of refrigerant flow under same heating condition using the test section of staggered arrangement, two-rows and inner-grooved tube model was carried out. It was made clear, in the staggered arrangement and inner-grooved tube model, refrigerant flow was same characteristics as results of first report, but process time of the change became short. In the two-rows tube model, refrigerant flow pattern was different from the row connected to an accumulator and the other row. Furthermore, in the two-rows fin-tube model, in both rows flow pattern was different, but change of tube wall temperature was similar by the heat conduction of fin.
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the first report, evaluation of refrigerant vapor-liquid two-phase flow using the test sections of single-row model simulating the refrigerator evaporator was examined under heating condition, and basic flow characteristics was clarified. In this report, evaluation of refrigerant flow under same heating condition using the test section of staggered arrangement, two-rows and inner-grooved tube model was carried out. It was made clear, in the staggered arrangement and inner-grooved tube model, refrigerant flow was same characteristics as results of first report, but process time of the change became short. In the two-rows tube model, refrigerant flow pattern was different from the row connected to an accumulator and the other row. Furthermore, in the two-rows fin-tube model, in both rows flow pattern was different, but change of tube wall temperature was similar by the heat conduction of fin.


Katsunori HORII, Keishi KARIYA, Yuki NAKASHIMA, Syunsuke MATSUMOTO, Hideo MORI
tudy on Performance Improvement of Defrosting for Refrigerator Considering Characteristics of Refrigerant Flow and Heat Transfer inside Evaporator Tube(3rd Report)Evaluation of Refrigerant Flow Characteristics using a Single-Row Staggered Arrangement Model, and Various Two-Row Models
Announcement information:
Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Vol: 31 Issue: 3 Page: 265-276
Refrigerator, Defrost, Evaporator, Flow pattern, Heating experiment
An abstract:
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the first report, evaluation of refrigerant vapor-liquid two-phase flow using the test sections of single-row model simulating the refrigerator evaporator was examined under heating condition, and basic flow characteristics was clarified. In this report, evaluation of refrigerant flow under same heating condition using the test section of staggered arrangement, two-rows and inner-grooved tube model was carried out. It was made clear, in the staggered arrangement and inner-grooved tube model, refrigerant flow was same characteristics as results of first report, but process time of the change became short. In the two-rows tube model, refrigerant flow pattern was different from the row connected to an accumulator and the other row. Furthermore, in the two-rows fin-tube model, in both rows flow pattern was different, but change of tube wall temperature was similar by the heat conduction of fin.
An abstract:
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the first report, evaluation of refrigerant vapor-liquid two-phase flow using the test sections of single-row model simulating the refrigerator evaporator was examined under heating condition, and basic flow characteristics was clarified. In this report, evaluation of refrigerant flow under same heating condition using the test section of staggered arrangement, two-rows and inner-grooved tube model was carried out. It was made clear, in the staggered arrangement and inner-grooved tube model, refrigerant flow was same characteristics as results of first report, but process time of the change became short. In the two-rows tube model, refrigerant flow pattern was different from the row connected to an accumulator and the other row. Furthermore, in the two-rows fin-tube model, in both rows flow pattern was different, but change of tube wall temperature was similar by the heat conduction of fin.

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