




堀井克則,仮屋圭史,中嶋祐紀,松本駿介,森英夫 読み: ほりいかつのり,かりやけいし,なかしまゆうき,まつもとしゅんすけ,もりひでお
日本冷凍空調学会論文集 巻: 31 号: 3 ページ: 277-288
Refrigerator, Defrost, Evaporator, Flow pattern, Defrosting experiment, Heat transfer
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the second report, evaluation of refrigerant flow and heat transfer under defrosting condition using the test section of single-row fin-tube model was carried out, and these are clarified. In this report, the same evaluation using the test section of two-rows fin-tube model was carried out. It was made clear, refrigerant flow of row connected to an accumulator was same characteristics as results of the second report. But in the other row, refrigerant vapor generated in the lower part of the test section went up to the upper part without lifting liquid, and then condensed at the upper part with releasing heat. In both row, released heat due to condensation contributed to the frost melting. This heat transport by refrigerant vapor from lower part to upper part was significantly effective in the frost melting at the upper part of the test section far from the heater. As the results, the defrosting finishing time was reduced.
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the second report, evaluation of refrigerant flow and heat transfer under defrosting condition using the test section of single-row fin-tube model was carried out, and these are clarified. In this report, the same evaluation using the test section of two-rows fin-tube model was carried out. It was made clear, refrigerant flow of row connected to an accumulator was same characteristics as results of the second report. But in the other row, refrigerant vapor generated in the lower part of the test section went up to the upper part without lifting liquid, and then condensed at the upper part with releasing heat. In both row, released heat due to condensation contributed to the frost melting. This heat transport by refrigerant vapor from lower part to upper part was significantly effective in the frost melting at the upper part of the test section far from the heater. As the results, the defrosting finishing time was reduced.


Study on Performance Improvement of Defrosting for Refrigerator Considering Characteristics of Refrigerant Flow and Heat Transfer inside Evaporator Tube(4th Report)Evaluation During Defrosting Process using a Two-Row Fin-Tube Model
Announcement information:
Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Vol: 31 Issue: 3 Page: 277-288
Refrigerator, Defrost, Evaporator, Flow pattern, Defrosting experiment, Heat transfer
An abstract:
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the second report, evaluation of refrigerant flow and heat transfer under defrosting condition using the test section of single-row fin-tube model was carried out, and these are clarified. In this report, the same evaluation using the test section of two-rows fin-tube model was carried out. It was made clear, refrigerant flow of row connected to an accumulator was same characteristics as results of the second report. But in the other row, refrigerant vapor generated in the lower part of the test section went up to the upper part without lifting liquid, and then condensed at the upper part with releasing heat. In both row, released heat due to condensation contributed to the frost melting. This heat transport by refrigerant vapor from lower part to upper part was significantly effective in the frost melting at the upper part of the test section far from the heater. As the results, the defrosting finishing time was reduced.
An abstract:
This study focuses on characteristics of refrigerant flow and heat transfer inside the evaporator tube to improve performance of defrosting for refrigerator. In the second report, evaluation of refrigerant flow and heat transfer under defrosting condition using the test section of single-row fin-tube model was carried out, and these are clarified. In this report, the same evaluation using the test section of two-rows fin-tube model was carried out. It was made clear, refrigerant flow of row connected to an accumulator was same characteristics as results of the second report. But in the other row, refrigerant vapor generated in the lower part of the test section went up to the upper part without lifting liquid, and then condensed at the upper part with releasing heat. In both row, released heat due to condensation contributed to the frost melting. This heat transport by refrigerant vapor from lower part to upper part was significantly effective in the frost melting at the upper part of the test section far from the heater. As the results, the defrosting finishing time was reduced.

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