著者:Yamada Y, Blanc S, Nishida Y, Nishijima K, Ebine N, Shriver T, Schoeller D題名:Validity of doubly labeled water in obese subjects: questioning the validity of any technique requires an indisputable accuracy of the reference method.発表情報:Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 巻: 305 ページ: E1178キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Yamada Y, Blanc S, Nishida Y, Nishijima K, Ebine N, Shriver T, Schoeller DTitle:Validity of doubly labeled water in obese subjects: questioning the validity of any technique requires an indisputable accuracy of the reference method.Announcement information:Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. Vol: 305 Page: E1178