著者:〇Yamamoto K, Shimoda R, Ogata S, Hara M, Ito Y, Tominaga N, Nakayama A, Sakata Y, Tsuruoka N, Iwakiri R, Fujimoto K題名:Perforation and postoperative bleeding associated with endoscopic submucosal dissection in colorectal tumors: An analysis of 398 lesions treated in Saga, Japan.発表情報:Intern Med. 巻: 57 号: 15 ページ: 2115-2122キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:〇Yamamoto K, Shimoda R, Ogata S, Hara M, Ito Y, Tominaga N, Nakayama A, Sakata Y, Tsuruoka N, Iwakiri R, Fujimoto KTitle:Perforation and postoperative bleeding associated with endoscopic submucosal dissection in colorectal tumors: An analysis of 398 lesions treated in Saga, Japan.Announcement information:Intern Med. Vol: 57 Issue: 15 Page: 2115-2122