著者:*Ohfuji S, Okada K, Nakano T, Ito H, Hara M, Kuroki H, Hirota Y.
題名:Control selection and confounding factors: A lesson from a Japanese case-control study to examine acellular pertussis vaccine effectiveness発表情報:Vaccine. 巻: 35 号: 36 ページ: 4801-4805キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:*Ohfuji S, Okada K, Nakano T, Ito H, Hara M, Kuroki H, Hirota Y.
Title:Control selection and confounding factors: A lesson from a Japanese case-control study to examine acellular pertussis vaccine effectivenessAnnouncement information:Vaccine. Vol: 35 Issue: 36 Page: 4801-4805