著者:〇Matsumoto A, Matsumoto A, Ichiba M, Payton NM, Oishi H, Hara M題名:Simultaneous measurement of urinary total nicotine and cotinine as biomarkers of active and passive smoking among Japanese individuals.発表情報:Environmen Health Prev. Med. 巻: 18 号: 3 ページ: 244-250キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:〇Matsumoto A, Matsumoto A, Ichiba M, Payton NM, Oishi H, Hara MTitle:Simultaneous measurement of urinary total nicotine and cotinine as biomarkers of active and passive smoking among Japanese individuals.Announcement information:Environmen Health Prev. Med. Vol: 18 Issue: 3 Page: 244-250