著者:山西博幸,黒木圭介,坂田智昭 読み: ヤマニシヒロユキ,クロギケイスケ,サカタトモアキ題名:粗朶搦工による懸濁物捕捉効果と底生生物の生息場創出に関する研究発表情報:土木学会海洋開発論文集 巻: 25 ページ: 347-352キーワード:有明海,干潟,懸濁物質,底泥輸送,ベントス,シミュレーション概要:粗朶搦工によって囲われた静穏場の形成と水中懸濁物の積極的な捕捉促進を期待するとともに,人工的に形成された空間内の水・底質環境と底生生物の生息環境および浮遊幼生の着床地あるいは底生生物の生息場創出の可能性について検討した.抄録:粗朶搦工によって囲われた静穏場の形成と水中懸濁物の積極的な捕捉促進を期待するとともに,人工的に形成された空間内の水・底質環境と底生生物の生息環境および浮遊幼生の着床地あるいは底生生物の生息場創出の可能性について検討するものである.英語フィールド
Author:Hiroyuki YAMANISHI, Keisuke KUROGI and Tomoaki SAKATATitle:Effect of sediment accumulation and benthos habitat potential by the SodagaramiAnnouncement information: Vol: 25 Page: 347-352Keyword:Ariake sea, tidal flat, suspended matter, mud transport, benthos, simulationAn abstract:Recently, inflow of abnormal red tides and anoxic waters in the tidal flat has been observed in summer, and the change of mud flat environment is on-going problem in the Ariake sea. This gives the greatest impact for the living animals in an inter tidal area. In this study, suspended matters transport around the Sodagarami structure in the mud flat of the Ariake sea were measured for a long term. The survey site is the Nanaura mud flats near Kashima city in Saga, Japan. The hydrodynamic characteristics and prediction of suspended sediment transport was studied using a numerical model. As a result, it was revealed that the Sodagarami method is useful to make the sedimentation of fine particles accelerate. Also, the potential of benthos habitat using the Sodagarami method were estimated by the composite suitability index.An abstract:Recently, inflow of abnormal red tides and anoxic waters in the tidal flat has been observed in summer, and the change of mud flat environment is on-going problem in the Ariake sea. This gives the greatest impact for the living animals in an inter tidal area. In this study, suspended matters transport around the Sodagarami structure in the mud flat of the Ariake sea were measured for a long term. The survey site is the Nanaura mud flats near Kashima city in Saga, Japan. The hydrodynamic characteristics and prediction of suspended sediment transport was studied using a numerical model. As a result, it was revealed that the Sodagarami method is useful to make the sedimentation of fine particles accelerate. Also, the potential of benthos habitat using the Sodagarami method were estimated by the composite suitability index.