著者:Rachmawati NM, Fukudome K, Tsuneyoshi N, Uleng B, Ohta S, Kimoto M題名:
Inhibition of primary but not secondary humoral immune responses by pre-injection of an agonistic anti-TLR4/MD-2 antibody.発表情報:第40回日本免疫学会 2011.11.27-29キーワード:概要:抄録:日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 40:173英語フィールド
Author:Rachmawati NM, Fukudome K, Tsuneyoshi N, Uleng B, Ohta S, Kimoto MTitle:
Inhibition of primary but not secondary humoral immune responses by pre-injection of an agonistic anti-TLR4/MD-2 antibody.Announcement information: