著者:Kitamura H, Kubota Y, Yamaguchi K, Kamachi K, Nishioka A, Yokoo M, ShindoT, AndoT, Kojima K, Kimura S題名:Successful autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation followed by bortezomib maintenance in a patient with relapsed CD138-low multiple solitary plasmacytomas harboring 17p deletion.発表情報:Intern Med. 巻: 57 号: 6 ページ: 855-860キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Kitamura H, Kubota Y, Yamaguchi K, Kamachi K, Nishioka A, Yokoo M, ShindoT, AndoT, Kojima K, Kimura STitle:Successful autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation followed by bortezomib maintenance in a patient with relapsed CD138-low multiple solitary plasmacytomas harboring 17p deletion.Announcement information:Intern Med. Vol: 57 Issue: 6 Page: 855-860