著者:Tomomi Nakamura, Chiho Nakashima, Kazutoshi Komiya, Kimura S, Sueoka-Aragane N.題名:Clarification of mechanisms of acquired resistance for afatinib using plasma samples.発表情報:IASLC 18th WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER., 2017,10,15-18キーワード:概要:抄録:abstract book英語フィールド
Author:Tomomi Nakamura, Chiho Nakashima, Kazutoshi Komiya, Kimura S, Sueoka-Aragane N.Title:Clarification of mechanisms of acquired resistance for afatinib using plasma samples.Announcement information:IASLC 18th WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER., 2017,10,15-18An abstract:abstract book