

医療現場における有線/無線通信基盤の重要性 -建築から管理まで-



Eisuke Hanada
医療現場における有線/無線通信基盤の重要性 -建築から管理まで-
ESMED Congress 2021
現在、病院ではICTが広く導入され普及している。現在、病院情報システムのサーバーと端末は有線・無線のLANで通信している。日本では、有線および無線で通信する医用テレメータが広く導入されている。IoTシステムが臨床の現場に導入され、活用される日も近い。しかし、病院の建物が古いだけでなく、病院内にネットワークを敷設する際には多くの問題がある。 例えば、(特に天井裏での)配線スペースの確保、EPS(Electric Pipe Space/Shaft)の設置場所とその収容内容、無線信号の到達エリアの確保などがある。また、無線信号と電磁波ノイズとのEMC(Electro-Magnetic Compatibility:電磁両立性)の確保も重要な課題のひとつである。さらに、多くの電気医療機器が使用されている現代の病院では、安定した電力供給の確保も問題となっている。 これらの問題の多くは、建物の設計者および施工者、ネットワークインテグレーター、病院長との間でのコミュニケーション不足から生じることが多い。HIS管理者や臨床工学技士とのコミュニケーションが必要になることもある。これらの問題は、病院建築の初期段階から検討し解決すべきである。 日本では、これらの問題を解決するために、2014年に総務省と電波環境協議会(EMCC)により、病院内における医用テレメータ、無線LAN、携帯電話などの無線通信システムの安全な設置と管理のためのガイドラインが発行され、2021年に改定された。また日本建築学会は,医療用無線テレメトリシステムの安全な設置・管理のための新しいガイドラインを2021年に発信している。 ここでは、これらの問題点を説明し、病院内での有線・無線通信システムの設置・管理方法について考察する。
In a current modern hospital, introduction of ICT is widely spreading. For example, hospital information system (HIS) has been used for decades. In current, HIS servers and terminals communicate through wired / wireless LANs. In Japan, wireless medical telemetry systems, which communicates through cable and wireless communication, are widely installed. IoT systems will be installed and utilized in clinical scene sooner. However, in not only old hospital buildings, but there are also so many problems about installation of network in a hospital. For example, reservation of cabling space (especially in the ceilings), location and contains of electric pipe space / shaft (EPS), reservation of the wireless signal reachable space. Ensuring Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) between wireless signals and electromagnetic noises are also one of serious problem. Ensuring stable electricity provision is also a problem in modern hospitals in which so many electrical medical devices are used. Most of these problems drives from lack of communication among building planner, constructor, network integrator, and hospital director. Sometimes communication with HIS manager and clinical engineers will be required. These problems should be solved by considering from early stage of hospital building construction. In Japan, to solve some of these problems, guidelines for safe installation and management of wireless communication systems, such as medical telemetry systems, wireless LANs, and cellar phone use in hospitals have been dispatched in 2014 by Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference of Japan (EMCC) in association with the Ministry of Internal affairs and Communication. EMCC has renewed the guidelines in 2021, based on improvement of EMC and introduction of new generation wireless communication systems. Also, Architectural Institute of Japan has dispatched new guidelines for safe installation and management of the medical wireless telemetry system in 2021. Here, I describe the problems and discuss how we can install and manage wired / wireless communication systems in a hospital.


Eisuke Hanada
Importance of wired / wireless infrastructure in clinical settings -from building construction to management-
Announcement information:
ESMED Congress 2021
Hospital building, ICT, Wireless communication, Cabling, Electromagnetic Compatibility
An abstract:
In a current modern hospital, introduction of ICT is widely spreading. In current, Hospital Information System servers and terminals communicate through wired / wireless LANs. In Japan, wireless medical telemetry systems, which communicates through cable and wireless communication, are widely installed. IoT systems will be installed and utilized in clinical scene sooner. However, in not only old hospital buildings, but there are also so many problems about installation of network in a hospital. For example, reservation of cabling space (especially in the ceilings), location and contains of electric pipe space / shaft (EPS), reservation of the wireless signal reachable space. Ensuring Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) between wireless signals and electromagnetic noises are also one of serious problem. Ensuring stable electricity provision is also a problem in modern hospitals in which so many electrical medical devices are used. Most of these problems drives from lack of communication among building planner, constructor, network integrator, and hospital director. Sometimes communication with HIS manager and clinical engineers will be required. These problems should be solved by considering from early stage of hospital building construction. In Japan, to solve some of these problems, guidelines for safe installation and management of wireless communication systems, such as medical telemetry systems, wireless LANs, and cellar phone use in hospitals have been dispatched in 2014, and renewed in 2021, by Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference of Japan (EMCC) in association with the Ministry of Internal affairs and Communication. Also, Architectural Institute of Japan has dispatched new guidelines for safe installation and management of the medical wireless telemetry system in 2021. Here, I describe the problems and discuss how we can install and manage wired / wireless communication systems in a hospital.
An abstract:
In a current modern hospital, introduction of ICT is widely spreading. For example, hospital information system (HIS) has been used for decades. In current, HIS servers and terminals communicate through wired / wireless LANs. In Japan, wireless medical telemetry systems, which communicates through cable and wireless communication, are widely installed. IoT systems will be installed and utilized in clinical scene sooner. However, in not only old hospital buildings, but there are also so many problems about installation of network in a hospital. For example, reservation of cabling space (especially in the ceilings), location and contains of electric pipe space / shaft (EPS), reservation of the wireless signal reachable space. Ensuring Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) between wireless signals and electromagnetic noises are also one of serious problem. Ensuring stable electricity provision is also a problem in modern hospitals in which so many electrical medical devices are used. Most of these problems drives from lack of communication among building planner, constructor, network integrator, and hospital director. Sometimes communication with HIS manager and clinical engineers will be required. These problems should be solved by considering from early stage of hospital building construction. In Japan, to solve some of these problems, guidelines for safe installation and management of wireless communication systems, such as medical telemetry systems, wireless LANs, and cellar phone use in hospitals have been dispatched in 2014 by Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference of Japan (EMCC) in association with the Ministry of Internal affairs and Communication. EMCC has renewed the guidelines in 2021, based on improvement of EMC and introduction of new generation wireless communication systems. Also, Architectural Institute of Japan has dispatched new guidelines for safe installation and management of the medical wireless telemetry system in 2021. Here, I describe the problems and discuss how we can install and manage wired / wireless communication systems in a hospital.

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