著者:花田英輔 読み: ハナダエイスケ題名:病院・家庭内の電磁環境と医療機器の適合性発表情報:EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019 ページ: MonPM1A.1キーワード:Electromagnetic environment; electric power supply; grounding; home; hospital概要:日本は少子高齢化の先端を走っており、医療・介護の両面で労働力不足が明らかである。そこで厚生労働省はICTの導入を含む「地域包括ケアシステム」の構築を推進している。この構築には医療機器の在宅での活用も含まれていることから、今後必要となる動作環境のうち、特に電磁環境について問題提起し、解決策の例を提示する。抄録:日本は少子高齢化の先端を走っており、医療・介護の両面で労働力不足が明らかである。そこで厚生労働省はICTの導入を含む「地域包括ケアシステム」の構築を推進している。この構築には医療機器の在宅での活用も含まれていることから、今後必要となる動作環境のうち、特に電磁環境について問題提起し、解決策の例を提示する。英語フィールド
Author:Eisuke HanadaTitle:Electromagnetic Environment and Compatibility of Medical Devices in Hospitals and HomesAnnouncement information:EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019 Page: MonPM1A.1Keyword:Electromagnetic environment; electric power supply; grounding; home; hospitalAn abstract:Japan is at the forefront of the worldwide trend toward an aging population and is thus confronting the problem of increased health care requirements and their associated costs. Because of the reduced percentage of the population in the labor force, labor shortages in medical institutions are occurring, and the problem will be aggravated in the future. The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare is forming and promoting a “Community-based Integrated Care System Model" with the intention of "connecting to patients in the overall community". Because of these trends, it is probable that patients currently treated in hospitals will increasingly be cared for at home. This will increase the need for and use of in home medical devices. Here, we describe possible problems and measures that can be taken to solve them.An abstract:Japan is at the forefront of the worldwide trend toward an aging population and is thus confronting the problem of increased health care requirements and their associated costs. Because of the reduced percentage of the population in the labor force, labor shortages in medical institutions are occurring, and the problem will be aggravated in the future. The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare is forming and promoting a “Community-based Integrated Care System Model" with the intention of "connecting to patients in the overall community". Because of these trends, it is probable that patients currently treated in hospitals will increasingly be cared for at home. This will increase the need for and use of in home medical devices. Here, we describe possible problems and measures that can be taken to solve them.