著者:Hanada E., Hayashi M., Ohira A.題名:Introduction of an RFID Tag System to a Large Hospital and the Practical Use of the Data Obtained発表情報:The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology ページ: 156-159キーワード:Surgical instruments, RFID, labor efficiency,
patient safety概要:手術時に用いる器具は滅菌しながら再利用する。このうち、鋼製のものを「鋼製小物」と呼ぶ。島根大学病院は、約2 万点に及ぶ鋼製小物の管理にRFID タグを用いたシステムを導入し、労働効率と患者安全の向上に寄与している。
本稿ではその導入目的と導入前後での業務の変化、システムで得られるデータの簡易的な分析結果について報告する。抄録:Surgical instruments are sterilized and reused.The number of surgical instruments that must be managed can be up to 100 for one operation. Counting instruments before and after an operation and identifying each instrument when storing them in a container after sterilization are indispensable to patient
safety, and in the past have required a great amount of hand labor. To improve efficiency, Shimane University Hospital introduced a system called SIMSAFE that uses RFID tags, with good results. The data obtained from SIMSAFE promotes effective and efficient instrument management. This paper introduces the management of surgical instruments when using SIMSAFE and introduces the results of a preliminary data analysis.英語フィールド
Author:Hanada E., Hayashi M., Ohira A.Title:Introduction of an RFID Tag System to a Large Hospital and the Practical Use of the Data ObtainedAnnouncement information:The 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology Page: 156-159Keyword:Surgical instruments, RFID, labor efficiency,
patient safetyAn abstract:Surgical instruments are sterilized and reused.The number of surgical instruments that must be managed can be up to 100 for one operation. Counting instruments before and after an operation and identifying each instrument when storing them in a container after sterilization are indispensable to patient
safety, and in the past have required a great amount of hand labor. To improve efficiency, Shimane University Hospital introduced a system called SIMSAFE that uses RFID tags, with good results. The data obtained from SIMSAFE promotes effective and efficient instrument management. This paper introduces the management of surgical instruments when using SIMSAFE and introduces the results of a preliminary data analysis.