著者:石田賢治,髙坂祐顕,門出政則題名:水素ステーションの高圧水素中における微量水分の露点および霜点の推算発表情報:熱物性 巻: 28 号: 3 ページ: 121-126キーワード:hydrogen, water, frost point, measurement, estimation, equation of state概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Kenji ISHIDA, Masataka KOSAKA, Masanori MONDETitle:Dew and frost point estimation of residual water in high pressure hydrogen for conditions of hydrogen filling stations.Announcement information:Netsu Bussei (Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties) Vol: 28 Issue: 3 Page: 121-126Keyword:hydrogen, water, frost point, measurement, estimation, equation of state