著者:高尾 紘一, 山本 大将, 橋本 時忠, 松尾 繁, 瀬戸口 俊明, 阿部 淳 読み: タカオコウイチ,ヤマモトダイスケ,ハシモトトキタダ,マツオシゲル,セトグチトシアキ,アベアツシ題名:衝撃波駆動によるジェット・インジェクターに関する基礎研究発表情報:平成 25 年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集, 1B3‐2, USB, 青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(神奈川), 宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス(神奈川), (2014-3.5~7)キーワード:air gun, water jet, needle-free injection, shock wave, numerical calculation概要:抄録:In order to investigate a jet injector that can generate extremely small quantity water jet, this paper describes the generation method and process of the water jet driven by underwater shock wave, which was induced by the impact of the projectile shot by the air gun. The projectiles were impinged on the thin stainless steel plate installed in the side wall of the water reservoir. The cross section of the water reservoir is rectangle, and the underwater shock wave one-dimensionally propagated to the opposite wall with a nozzle. In this study, the over-pressure behind the underwater shock waves was measured, and the visualization of the propagation process of the underwater shock wave and the water jet induced was carried out using an ultra high speed video camera. In addition, the numerical simulation by ANSYS� AUTODYN� was performed and the numerical results were compared to the experimental ones.英語フィールド
Author:TAKAO Koichi, YAMAMOTO Daisuke, HASHIMOTO Tokitada,MATSUO Shigeru, SETOGUCHI Toshiaki, ABE AtsushiTitle:Fundamental study on jet injector driven by underwater shock waveAnnouncement information:平成 25 年度衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集, 1B3‐2, USB, 青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(神奈川), 宇宙科学研究所相模原キャンパス(神奈川), (2014-3.5~7)Keyword:air gun, water jet, needle-free injection, shock wave, numerical calculationAn abstract:In order to investigate a jet injector that can generate extremely small quantity water jet, this paper describes the generation method and process of the water jet driven by underwater shock wave, which was induced by the impact of the projectile shot by the air gun. The projectiles were impinged on the thin stainless steel plate installed in the side wall of the water reservoir. The cross section of the water reservoir is rectangle, and the underwater shock wave one-dimensionally propagated to the opposite wall with a nozzle. In this study, the over-pressure behind the underwater shock waves was measured, and the visualization of the propagation process of the underwater shock wave and the water jet induced was carried out using an ultra high speed video camera. In addition, the numerical simulation by ANSYS� AUTODYN� was performed and the numerical results were compared to the experimental ones.