著者:Watanabe H., S. Tanimoto and *S. Isshiki(Corresponding author)題名:Control of Flowering by Phloem Exudate from Cotyledons of Ipomoea tricolorⅠ. Low molecular weight flower-inducing substance(s).発表情報:Environ. Control Biol. 巻: 53 ページ: 123-128キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Watanabe H., S. Tanimoto and *S. Isshiki(Corresponding author)Title:Control of Flowering by Phloem Exudate from Cotyledons of Ipomoea tricolorⅠ. Low molecular weight flower-inducing substance(s).Announcement information:Environ. Control Biol. Vol: 53 Page: 123-128