著者:馬渡俊文 読み: マワタリトシフミ題名:Shear-Thinningモデルを用いたEHL数値解析の最新動向発表情報:トライボロジスト 巻: 66 号: 2 ページ: 91-97キーワード:Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication, Numerical analysis, Shear-thinning model, Shear stress, Shear strain, Traction property, Oil film thickness概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Toshifumi MAWATARITitle:Recent Trends in EHL Numerical Analysis Applying Shear-Thinning ModelsAnnouncement information:Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists Vol: 66 Issue: 2 Page: 91-97Keyword:Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication, Numerical analysis, Shear-thinning model, Shear stress, Shear strain, Traction property, Oil film thickness