著者:岡崎 泰久,吉川 厚題名:書く過程を提示する動的教材提示の認知分析発表情報:教育システム情報学会誌 巻: Vo.34 号: No.3 ページ: pp.218-226キーワード:教材提示,板書,スライド,書く過程,視線概要:This paper describes three cognitive experiments to investigate qualitative analysis of dynamic presentation with writing process like chalkboard. Characteristics, differences and impact of presented抄録:This paper describes three cognitive experiments to investigate qualitative analysis of dynamic presentation with writing process like chalkboard. Characteristics, differences and impact of presented英語フィールド
Author:Yasuhisa OKAZAKI, Atsushi YOSHIKAWATitle:Cognitive Analysis of Dynamic Educational Presentation with Writing ProcessAnnouncement information:Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education Vol: Vo.34 Issue: No.3 Page: pp.218-226An abstract:This paper describes three cognitive experiments to investigate qualitative analysis of dynamic presentation with writing process like chalkboard. Characteristics, differences and impact of presentedAn abstract:This paper describes three cognitive experiments to investigate qualitative analysis of dynamic presentation with writing process like chalkboard. Characteristics, differences and impact of presented