著者:S. Tadaki and M. Kikuchi題名:Jam Phases in a Two-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Model of Traffic Flow発表情報:Physical Review E 巻: 50 号: 6 ページ: 4564-4570キーワード:概要:抄録:The jam phases in a two-dimensional cellular automaton model oftraffic flow are investigate by computer simulations. Two differenttypes of the jam phases are found. The spatially diagonal long rangecorrelation obeys the power law at the low density jam configurations.The diagonal correlation exponentially decays at the high density jam.The exponent of the short range correlation in the diagonal directionis introduced to define the transition between these two phases. Wealso discuss the stability of the jam.英語フィールド
Author:S. Tadaki and M. KikuchiTitle:Jam Phases in a Two-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Model of Traffic FlowAnnouncement information:Physical Review E Vol: 50 Issue: 6 Page: 4564-4570An abstract:The jam phases in a two-dimensional cellular automaton model oftraffic flow are investigate by computer simulations. Two differenttypes of the jam phases are found. The spatially diagonal long rangecorrelation obeys the power law at the low density jam configurations.The diagonal correlation exponentially decays at the high density jam.The exponent of the short range correlation in the diagonal directionis introduced to define the transition between these two phases. Wealso discuss the stability of the jam.