著者:*Sawai Y, Okamoto T, Muranaka Y, Nakamura R, Matsumura R, Node K, Akashi M.題名:In vivo evaluation of the effect of lithium on peripheral circadian clocks by real-time monitoring of clock gene expression in near-freely moving mice.発表情報:Sci Rep. 巻: 9 号: 1 ページ: 10909キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:*Sawai Y, Okamoto T, Muranaka Y, Nakamura R, Matsumura R, Node K, Akashi M.Title:In vivo evaluation of the effect of lithium on peripheral circadian clocks by real-time monitoring of clock gene expression in near-freely moving mice.Announcement information:Sci Rep. Vol: 9 Issue: 1 Page: 10909