著者:Tanaka A, Kawaguchi A, Oyama JI, Ishizu T, Ito H, Fukui J, Kondo T, Kuroki S, Nanasato M, Higashi Y, Kaku K, Inoue T, Murohara T, Node K.題名:Differential effect of concomitant antidiabetic agents on carotid atherosclerosis: a subgroup analysis of the PROLOGUE study. 発表情報:Heart Vessels. 巻: 34 号: 2 ページ: 375-384キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Tanaka A, Kawaguchi A, Oyama JI, Ishizu T, Ito H, Fukui J, Kondo T, Kuroki S, Nanasato M, Higashi Y, Kaku K, Inoue T, Murohara T, Node K.Title:Differential effect of concomitant antidiabetic agents on carotid atherosclerosis: a subgroup analysis of the PROLOGUE study. Announcement information:Heart Vessels. Vol: 34 Issue: 2 Page: 375-384