著者:Tanaka A, Kawaguchi A, Tomiyama H, Ishizu T, Matsumoto C, Higashi Y, Takase B, Suzuki T, Ueda S, Yamazaki T, Furumoto T, Kario K, Inoue T, Koba S, Takemoto Y, Hano T, Sata M, Ishibashi Y, Maemura K, Ohya Y, Furukawa T, Ito H, Yamashina A, Node K.題名:Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between serum uric acid and endothelial function in subjects with treated hypertension.
発表情報:Int J Cardiol. 巻: 272 ページ: 308-313キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Tanaka A, Kawaguchi A, Tomiyama H, Ishizu T, Matsumoto C, Higashi Y, Takase B, Suzuki T, Ueda S, Yamazaki T, Furumoto T, Kario K, Inoue T, Koba S, Takemoto Y, Hano T, Sata M, Ishibashi Y, Maemura K, Ohya Y, Furukawa T, Ito H, Yamashina A, Node K.Title:Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between serum uric acid and endothelial function in subjects with treated hypertension.
Announcement information:Int J Cardiol. Vol: 272 Page: 308-313