著者:Tanaka A, Yoshida H, Nanasato M, Oyama JI, Ishizu T, Ajioka M, Ishiki R, Saito M, Shibata Y, Kaku K, Maemura K, Higashi Y, Inoue T, Murohara T, Node K.題名:Sitagliptin on carotid intima-media thickness in type 2 diabetes patients receiving primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: A subgroup analysis of the PROLOGUE study.発表情報:Int J Cardiol. 巻: 271 ページ: 331-335キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Tanaka A, Yoshida H, Nanasato M, Oyama JI, Ishizu T, Ajioka M, Ishiki R, Saito M, Shibata Y, Kaku K, Maemura K, Higashi Y, Inoue T, Murohara T, Node K.Title:Sitagliptin on carotid intima-media thickness in type 2 diabetes patients receiving primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: A subgroup analysis of the PROLOGUE study.Announcement information:Int J Cardiol. Vol: 271 Page: 331-335