著者:Yoshioka G, Kuriyama N, Nakashima K, Goriki Y, Kuwahara D, Takei T, Yanagita Y, Nishino S, Asato T, Kadooka K, Ogata K, Hoshiyama T, Matsuura H, Nakama T, Furugen M, Watanabe N, Matsuyama A, Ashikaga K, Node K, Shibata Y題名:Two Year Outcomes of Second-generation Drugeluting Stent to Ostial Right Coronary Artery Lesions
発表情報:第81回日本循環器学会学術集会, 2017, 3, 17-19キーワード:概要:抄録:プログラム1876英語フィールド
Author:Title:Announcement information: