著者:Toyoda S, Haruyama A, Inami S, Amano H, Arikawa T, Sakuma M, Abe S, Tanaka A, Node K, Inoue T. 題名:Protective effects of bisoprolol against myocardial injury and pulmonary dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure. 発表情報:Int J Cardiol. 巻: 226 ページ: 71-76キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Toyoda S, Haruyama A, Inami S, Amano H, Arikawa T, Sakuma M, Abe S, Tanaka A, Node K, Inoue T. Title:Protective effects of bisoprolol against myocardial injury and pulmonary dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure. Announcement information:Int J Cardiol. Vol: 226 Page: 71-76