著者:Inoue T, Taguchi I, Abe S, Li G, Hu R, Nakajima T, Hara A, Aoyama T, Kannagi R, Kyogashima M, Node K.題名:Sulfatides are associated with neointimal thickening after vascular injury.発表情報:Atherosclerosis. 巻: 211 号: 1 ページ: 291-296キーワード:概要:抄録:英語フィールド
Author:Inoue T, Taguchi I, Abe S, Li G, Hu R, Nakajima T, Hara A, Aoyama T, Kannagi R, Kyogashima M, Node K.Title:Sulfatides are associated with neointimal thickening after vascular injury.Announcement information:Atherosclerosis. Vol: 211 Issue: 1 Page: 291-296