著者:Miyuki Murata, Naoko Kato, Tetsuro Kakeshita題名:Improvement of Fill-in-the-Blank Questions for Object-Oriented Programming Education発表情報:Towards a Collaborative Society Through Creative Learning. WCCE 2022 巻: 685 ページ: pp. 530-541キーワード:概要:抄録:We have developed a programming education tool, named ‘pgtracer’, which provides fill-in-the-blank questions in C programming. Pgtracer provides programs and trace tables with blanks. A trace table represents the execution sequence of the target C program. As a result of our research, we could estimate the achievement level of the students and clarify the answering process by analyzing the logs collected by pgtracer. To improve software quality and reusability, object-oriented technology is important from various perspectives, and there is an urgent need to train engineers proficient in object-oriented programming. Thus, we are extending pgtracer to the Java program. Trace tables are extended to represent individual instances and message sending among the instances. In this paper, we create fill-in-the-blank questions for the Java program and attempt to have students solve some of the fill-in-the-blank questions using the “embedded answer (Cloze)” question format of Moodle’s question function. The results of the trial are discussed, and improvements are made to the questions and the user interface. We also introduce the notion of ignorable blanks which students do not need to fill. This type of blank is useful to increase the variety of questions.英語フィールド
Author:Miyuki Murata, Naoko Kato, Tetsuro KakeshitaTitle:Improvement of Fill-in-the-Blank Questions for Object-Oriented Programming EducationAnnouncement information:Towards a Collaborative Society Through Creative Learning. WCCE 2022 Vol: 685 Page: pp. 530-541An abstract:We have developed a programming education tool, named ‘pgtracer’, which provides fill-in-the-blank questions in C programming. Pgtracer provides programs and trace tables with blanks. A trace table represents the execution sequence of the target C program. As a result of our research, we could estimate the achievement level of the students and clarify the answering process by analyzing the logs collected by pgtracer. To improve software quality and reusability, object-oriented technology is important from various perspectives, and there is an urgent need to train engineers proficient in object-oriented programming. Thus, we are extending pgtracer to the Java program. Trace tables are extended to represent individual instances and message sending among the instances. In this paper, we create fill-in-the-blank questions for the Java program and attempt to have students solve some of the fill-in-the-blank questions using the “embedded answer (Cloze)” question format of Moodle’s question function. The results of the trial are discussed, and improvements are made to the questions and the user interface. We also introduce the notion of ignorable blanks which students do not need to fill. This type of blank is useful to increase the variety of questions.